Paving the way for a brighter future!
Corporate social responsibility must mean so much more than just giving back, especially in the times we’re living currently.
Avis India acknowledges not just its responsibility towards the society but also the importance of protecting the Community, the Environment and each and every human life around us. We are constantly striving to amp up our efforts and extend our support to NGOs and organizations that are making a difference on the ground.
Avis Accelerated Its Drive Against Covid -19
Post novel coronavirus outbreak in the country, we pledged to provide support on Covid essentials (e.g. PPE Kits & rapid antigen test kits) to hospitals like Civil hospital & Medor Hospital in Manesar. With the help of our NGO Partner, we provided rapid antigen test kits and PPE Kits.
PPE Kits
Rapid Antigen Test Kits
It fills us with proud and encouragement to see our collective efforts finally reaping rewards. To see parks and walk-ways replacing the otherwise dark and unhygienic dump yards in such a short span has given a boost to our morale and we find ourselves at an empowering position to continue striving for more for the larger good of humanity, with renewed energy and inspiring experiences.
We deeply value and cherish the mutual relationship we share with the community we operate in and are always ensuring our best to build a stronger bond between the organization and our dedicated team; boost their morale and help both employees and management feel more connected with the ecosphere around them.
In past 4 years, considering the fact that global warming is increasingly disturbing the ecological balance, Avis India founded a CSR initiative called“Go-Green” to protect the environment through plantation and have planted more than 10000 plants across Delhi/NCR with a healthy survival rate of more than 90%.
Plantation Drive has been at the core of our efforts in addition to several other initiatives to promote sustainable ecological balance and to help make a difference in the lives of many through our humble approach.